Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are Giveaway Events for Your Business?

One of the simplest list-building methods is to join a giveaway event. You provide a gift with an image and the link to your squeeze page and promise to promote along with the rest of the partners. Except for very rare occasions, joining a giveaway event can give your business a nice dose of new subscribers in a very short period-of-time.

But that's not all that a giveaway event can do for your business. Far from it. The heart of a giveaway event is the relationships that it builds... between you and the subscribers... and... between you and the other partners. Their value can not be calculated in dollars and cents. Add a nice little bump to your reputation and hey, what's not to love?

One thing. The people you are attracting are what is known as "freebie-seekers". These are the folks who will un-subscribe while the download of your gift is still going.

Don't throw-in the towel, yet. OK?

Yeah, this is a tough audience, but nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. So what is your goal? To target the grain and winnow out the chaff.

What do I mean by that? It is a harvesting term for separating the grain from the pieces of useless chaff before storing it. No one wants a useless bag of chaff, afterall. Your squeeze page has to target the serious visitors hidden among the freebie seekers.

Your choice of gift - Headlines - Bullet Points - They all speak to your chosen visitor. Now take a step back and look at the big picture. What kind-of an event have you joined?

Is it about Free or will it actually help the audience?

Is it a tossed-up page or a quality event site?

And most importantly, will the visitors be impressed with it?

To my mind, any business, off-line or online can benefit from joining a giveaway event. Beyond the building of your list, which is a not inconsiderable benefit, you will also be building your reputation and brand.

The cost is so little, a quality gift and a squeeze page with a delivery system in place, send traffic on a specific date. Yeah, in most cases, the benefits will far outweigh the costs, and that makes it worthwhile to do. If your business is online, your gift going viral could have a huge impact.

As the business owner, it is ultimately up to you to make this decision. With a little effort choosing your events and a high-quality gift, you could grow a list that will support your business for years to come.

Your First Giveaway Event   

How to Get the Most From Your Giveaway Event

Like many things in life, what you get out of a giveaway event will closely correlate with the effort that you put into the event. If you offer a trashy gift or don't bother to promote... well, what do you really expect?

You don't need to be a big name marketer to grow your list by participating in a giveaway event. Some small and medium marketers join to boost their branding or reputation. They create or find a quality gift that matches the theme of the event.

If you join a healthy living event, your gift needs to solve a problem that your prospective audience has. This gives them a reason to download your product and join your list. But you can't stop there.

Once you have a gift, you need a squeeze page for your visitors to provide their contact information. It is a simple matter to set your auto-responder to send them to the download page once they click your confirmation link. Using the double opt-in method also protects you from spam complaints.

Your squeeze page can be unique and individual to you and your business. Use your logo, your branding and even your image if you want to garner face-recognition. That's a lot of work for one web page. Take your time, and use your space wisely.

And finally, you need to be prepared for the new subscribers to your list... before you add them. What do I mean by that? It is simple. Don't waste time filling your auto-responder with names if you don't have any content ready for them. This is the biggest newbie mistake of all time, I believe.

Think of it this way, ok? If you have 200 people sign-up and they see 0 emails, you have gained nothing. Take the same 200 people and show them 7-10 emails and you will be much more likely to make sales.

I would rather see you write an article, or newsletter or even sales letter everyday while you build your list, until you have 30-60 pre-written follow-up letters. This is where you will offer links, downloads or promotional products to your audience. Make sure that the information you are providing is useful to your audience and takes them one step closer to reaching their ultimate goal.

This is why they joined your list in the first place, besides the offer of the free gift, they want you to help them reach their goals. Put the pieces in place and you will find that your gift gets more downloads than some of the bigger guys... the ones who have forgotten why subscribers join our lists in the first place.

Your First Giveaway Event   

List Building Tips - Archives

In this installment of List Building Tips, I'm going to talk about archives. This may be one of the sneakiest and cleverest ways to build a list that you will ever run into. And the best part is, it's totally ethical.

Let me start out by saying that this isn't a tactic you can use when you first create your newsletter and it doesn't work with a canned series. I'll explain what I mean by a canned series shortly. But let's first explain why this doesn't work with a new newsletter. To understand why, you have to first understand exactly what I mean by an archive.

An archive is a collection of old content, whether it be articles, photos or whatever. Most people create archives because they don't want to clutter up the main page of their site. For example, a Magic the Gathering site I go to has a series of articles for different topics. The main article for each topic is on the main page. The back issues are all archived and can be viewed by clicking on a link to get to the archive section. This way, your main page doesn't look like a train wreck and take forever to load.

Great, so how can we apply this to a newsletter? Again, this doesn't work with a brand new newsletter and it won't work with fixed length newsletters, meaning those that have X number of emails that go out and then stop.

What you do is simple. After an installment of your newsletter goes out, you copy and paste the content onto a web page and upload it. I recommend uploading each installment separately and then uploading a page that has an index to each installment. As you then send out each subsequent installment of your newsletter, you will include that installment as part of your archive.

After you've done all that, what you then do is simply drop links to your archive wherever you can. Make sure the index page has an opt in form so that if people want to read future installments they can sign up and get them immediately instead of waiting for the archive to be updated.

Will some people just keep checking back for the archive, not wanting to be on any mailing list? Sure, some. But there are going to be those who won't want to wait. They're going to want to get these installments right away, especially if they're timely. This tactic works very well if your newsletter deals with time sensitive issues.

Like I said, you can't use this method with a fixed length series because the archive will never be updated. And you have to wait until you have a few installments that you can upload. But if your newsletter seems to be a good fit for this model, you might want to consider it.

Because even if just ONE person reads your archive and joins your mailing list, that's one more person than you had the day before.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Your First Giveaway Event   

3 Tips for Building a Profitable Email List

This article reveals 3 tips that will help you to build a profitable email list. Whether you are already building a list or just intending to build one, these tips will come in handy to make your email list profitable.

Tip 1

Focus on building a relationship with your subscribers and sale later. Some marketers concentrate on nothing, but sending offer after offer to their list. While your overall objective in building a list is to make money, you need to consider what your subscribers' objective is and try to deliver on it. In the long run, a combination of both relationship building messages and sales messages would do you good in improving the profitability of your list. For example, you may choose to send out one sales offer for every two or three free offers or conversational messages.

Tip 2

Segregate prospects from customers. Most lists would have been built using free offers. The people who get on the prospects list after taking a free offer are later introduced to paid products. Now these become customers, and at this point they should be moved to a customer list. The reason for having a customer list is such that you do not continue pitching the same products to them that they have already bought. Plus, you can now start promoting second level paid products to those who would have bought the first level product. As for the prospect list, you would be continuing to sell the first paid product to them.

Tip 3

Make it a point to test and truck your email campaigns. This will help you to find out the best days and times to send out an offer, which subject line catches the attention of your subscriber and the kind of offers they mostly respond to. There are different variable that you could be testing, ranging from headlines, email length, day and time, type of offer, to mention a few. The point to remember though, is that you should test each of them individually.

When testing a headline, test only the headline and headline alone. Be sure to crate two messages with different headlines in order to compare which one your subscribers respond to better. On another day choose another variable to test, say, the type of offer you send to the subscribers. Over time you will find out what works best with your list in terms of producing the best results.

This article has concentrated on a 3 of the many tips you could apply to ensure you build profitable email lists. It has discussed relationship building, segregation of customers from prospects and testing the various variables that affect the success of your email campaigns.

Your First Giveaway Event   

7 Step Emotional Survival Guide To List Building

How do you build a list without getting bored? That's a question I see in many forms online. So I'm turning it around! Here's your spark, your sparkle of excitement. Your 7 step emotional guide to list building.

I'm sharing four F's so you can overcome problems with focusing, fearing, finding, fondness. I'm also sharing 3 vital ingredients so you can offer hope, value and solutions.

Why? I'll tell you why.

(1) Reading complaints!

(2) Knowing how to fill in the gap for you

Because there is relief, joy and gratitude waiting for you in the simple task of list building.

It feels to me like small business owners seem to need an emotional survival guide to list building. Here goes!

7 Tips

(1) Focus

Focus on what you love to do. That's the most important thing for being a small business owner.

Figure out what parts of what you love to do interest you most. Focus on those and the people who you help and what they want most.

(2) Fear

Fear's a big part for many business owners. Are you scared of list building?

What you must know:

Using list technology is like learning to drive a car. It takes time and effort up front so you can learn new skills.

But once you learn the basics your list technology is your vehicle to true freedom. Much as your car is your vehicle to get to a picnic at the beach!

Your list technology is your vehicle with the power to change your hot summer day into delight.

(3) Find

Find your list with fun habits. Write simple articles like this one and share them with other people online.

You'll be amazed to discover the power of the Internet to share what you love to do. Power you can use to turn your financial well-being toward abundance and prosperity.

(4) Fondness

Want a sweet way to build your list?

Write down what you love to do. Turn what you wrote into article titles.

Write! Share! Invite people to learn more.

(5) Hope

Want hope for your list?

Get out there online and people will find you. Not overnight!

24 hours a day 7 days a week.

(6) Value

Want value for your list? Ask the person in your mirror about problems you've had and solved! Deliver that.

(7) Solutions

List building through article marketing lets you deliver solutions.

Your First Giveaway Event   

3 Criteria To Choose The Best Solo Advertisement For Your List Building

I had been buying solo ads for quite some time and I can attest to this: Best rated solo ads sellers are not necessarily the best and vice versa. There are several criteria that you should consider before getting the solo advertisement of your choice.

Before you go for buying spree, you should have these to stand by:

a) A proven to work opt-in or squeeze page - Your webpage should be good enough to entice someone to subscribe to you. This will be entirely a new article to discuss about

b) The correct website link for the advertisement seller to forward their contacts to - sounds trivial but if you gave the wrong link, the seller is not responsible for your loss

c) Traffic checker and analyzer to make sure that the seller delivers the goods to your website (this is also useful to check whether the solo ads are of good quality or not)

Without further ado, check out these criteria to choose the best solo ad:

1) Quality of the website that trades solo advertisements

This is the easiest to consider. All you have to do is to conduct searches on Google or on internet marketing forums to determine which websites or forums are the best to trade solo ads. Personally, I would recommend websites that purely trades solo advertisements and also advertisement swapping with active members.

2) Review of each member who trades these advertisements

As trading advertisements are based on mutual trust, it is not so easy to determine outright who is honest and who is crooked. Preferably, I love to buy solo advertisements from websites that provide rating systems for members who trade advertisements.

Before you buy, sell and swap with a member, consider by looking at their trading profile first. Information like how long have they joined the website, ratings from other members who had traded with, how active they are and how big is their subscriber list are important considerations to form your decision to trade with them.

3) Ask the seller what kind of niche their subscribers are in

This is one of the more important questions buyers often forgot to ask. Whichever niche you are in to, you should ask the seller what niche their list is focused on before you plunk down the cash.

It is never silly to ask more questions before you consider buying a solo advertisement because once you accidentally paid it, most likely you will end up getting the wrong kind of advertisement and your money will not be refunded.

Your First Giveaway Event   

List Building - Why Do I Need To Build My Own List?

Do you know that it is very much harder to sell to a new customer than to an existing customer? This point alone is enough for you to stop reading and get started with building your own email database. Having said that, I do not mean that you need to hard sell more and more products to them because your subscribers may feel annoyed. But, do you know that an email list can do much more than that?

Global Branding

With an email list, you are in full control of your subscribers. You can establish a meaningful relationship with them by consistently providing them with useful guides and information in their area of interest. After some time, you will be perceived as an expert or professional in the niche. What your subscribers will do when they come across someone who is having problem in your area of expertise? That is the power of branding.

Source of Information

You can continue learning with your lists. Through the use of survey forms or blogs, you can interact with your subscribers to collect feedbacks regarding the latest traffic software or generate ideas for your new products, just to name a few. As internet marketing is a constantly evolving, we need to continue learning in order to stay competitive in the market.

For instance, you have an idea in your mind and you decided to make a product out of it. You can always ask your existing subscribers for their comments on whether they need such a product, what are the features that can be added to make the product more marketable or is it user friendly.

Additional Revenue

Not all the visitors to your website will subscribe. Similarly, not all your subscribers will buy products from you the first time. Therefore, if you can keep their contact information, primarily emails, you can slowly turn more of them into your loyal customers by promoting different products later on. As I've mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is much easier to sell to your existing list of subscribers than it is to new prospects as they have recognized you as an expert.

Not only that, if your list is of high quality, targeted subscribers who are willing to pay to learn more, you can generate more profits by selling solo ads to others. With an email list, you can also perform adswaps with others for free which may generate you even more subscribers and more sales.

Your list will be the most important asset in your whole internet marketing business. Invest more in building your own list and they will be your ATM in the future.

Your First Giveaway Event   

The Only Two Email Lists You Should Be Building

When it comes to email marketing and list building, it can be tricky to get your first email list started. However, after you set one up, it becomes increasingly easy to create another list for a new giveaway or different offer. Some marketers have hundreds of different lists and at that point it can be very difficult to manage without hiring some help.

So what should you be focusing on?

In order to really get things going, you should be focusing on building only two email lists. The first list is your prospect list and the second is your customer list. You should be using a service like Aweber to manage these lists. Also, there are some steps you can follow to help build each list while keeping focus.

Offer a free product to build up your prospects

In order to get people to see your product, you should be giving something away of value in exchange for an email address. For example, on my site I give away a 4 day list building video training course. That way, I can teach people how they can build their email list and build my own in the process.

One thing you can do is give away a sample of your paid product, such as your first chapter of your eBook or 1 video of your training course. This is a great way to give people a taste of what you do while providing value to your new subscribers. Just make sure what you're giving away is purely awesome

Provide consistent value to your prospects

This is the first part of your conversion process. You want to turn these prospects into customers (I would hope) so the best way is to provide consistent value to them.

This could be in the form of helpful articles, videos, or just great email broadcasts. The more of a connection you make with your list, the more likely they will be to buy from you.

Once your list knows you, they can begin to like you, eventually trust you, and be more likely to buy from you.

Automate building your buyer list

If you're using a service like Aweber to manage your email lists, you will have the option to automatically add people who buy from you to a separate email list. This takes a bit of time to set up, but is definitely worth it.

You can do this through PayPal or even through Aweber itself by setting up a tracking code and setting the automation rules. Other services like InfusionSoft offer this feature as well. A list of 100 buyers can be worth much more than a list of 1000 people who never bought from you, so remember that.

Expand your reach by adding more

Once you have this system set up well, you can apply it to future products and other sales funnels you create. You only need a prospect list and a buyer list for each product, so any other lists are just more work for you.

The trick is to focus on your first 2 lists until you are adding new buyers every single day. Even then, there may not be a reason to add more lists if you have something that is working well for you.

Your First Giveaway Event   

Two Great Tips To Boost Your Sales In Opt-In List Building

Internet marketing could have launched a sudden surge these last number of years. As more internet based companies have set up. The necessity to grow new marketing skills and data, based on this a unique and completely new medium has arisen.

Increasingly more marketing and advertising strategies are being uncovered not to mention developed to deal with the changing face associated with businesses within the business world.

The demand for web site marketing ideas and techniques have significantly grown plus a brand new type of business enterprise has actually birthed, web site marketing techniques.

Although there will be companies that are extremely eager to build you a customer base for a small charge, presently there are equally a number of ways that will distribute your messages regarding your web-site's subsistence in a more cost free method. One of these is, opt-in email marketing, also known as permission marketing.

Opt-in marketing necessitates the permission of the willing customer a subscription for your ads, materials that take the form of news letters, catalogs and marketing mailings via e-mail.

The greater opt-in marketing mail is distributed, the greater chances there's to bag more sales. To get this done, you have to build a listing of individuals who would like to sign up for your opt-in list.

Out of your list, you're going to get your targeted customers. Simply because they have already proven curiosity about what you have to show and sell.

Given that they have voluntarily signed into your list, essentially those who have loved what they've seen on your site and have made the decision they would like to see more, perhaps will purchase whatever service or product your organization or site has to offer.

Most people might believe that creating their own list would probably require working hard and take up plenty of their time. This is simply not true, you will need a little perseverance as well as some techniques. However in accomplishing this opt-in list, you will unlock your Internet site plus your home business into a totally new realm in a target market. Make that attempt to bring your online business completely to another magnitude. A powerful opt-in list will perform miracles for your business enterprise.

1) Install an effective web form within your web page which quickly comes after the opening of your online website. Although some might claim this is too early a subscription for a site visitors application, try and keep in mind that your main page ought to provide a fast good impression. Should in some way a web site customer sees something which she or he doesn't much like and it turns them off, they could just lose interest in subscribing. Get your subscription first.

2) Always provide your list with a good service or product. A satisfied customer will recommend. Recommendations alone can pull in more sales as compared to a high-priced advertising campaign. As your clientele grows so shall your list. With increased customers on the list, the greater number of people will learn about what you have new to offer.

Your First Giveaway Event   

List Building Tips - Interviews

In this installment of List Building Tips, I want to talk about interviews. While a bit time consuming, these are a great way to build a list quickly. Keep reading to find out how.

I have done so many interviews in my 9 years of Internet marketing that I have lost count. My last one was with Jack Bastide that I think went for 90 minutes. It was supposed to be a 30 minute interview. Sometimes I just don't know when to shut up.

You're probably thinking, why would anybody want to interview ME?

Let me ask you this. You're selling something online, correct? I'm going to assume that whatever it is you're selling, you know something about it? Maybe you know a lot about it? Do you think maybe you would have some information about whatever it is you're selling that OTHER people would want to know about?

Have you ever turned on those daytime talk shows to listen to some of the interviews that take place on them? Believe it or not, they're not all Internet marketers pitching some product. Some people talk about health, politics, sports and all kinds of things.

Do you know something about a subject? Are you pretty knowledgeable about it? If you answered yes to those questions, then you are a candidate to be interviewed.

Great, but how do you go about getting these interviews? I knew you were going to ask that.

If you take a gander around the Internet, you'll find something that isn't quite a new phenomena. It's called a radio show. In fact, there are sites out there dedicated to allowing Internet users to run their own radio shows. And a lot of these shows would just LOVE somebody to interview.

All you do is go to one of these sites, look up the schedule, see what subjects are covered, and then contact any hosts that deal with subjects that are related to YOUR business. I'd be stunned if any of them would turn down a chance to interview you.

From there, it's just a matter of preparing for the interview itself.

How do you do that? Glad you asked.

Preparing for an interview is very easy. First thing you do is get together with the show host, either over Skype, Messenger, or phone if you have to, and discuss what it is you wan to, um, discuss. Have him write out a list of questions that you both go over so you're not blind sided. Then, you want to make sure you have your answered planned. I don't recommend reading them, but know what you're going to say. You want the interview to go as smoothly as possible.

Then, at the end of the interview, mention that you have a list where people can get more information and give out the URL of your opt in page. Also make sure the URL is posted on the site that is hosting the show. If the show host has his own list, ask him if he'll send your URL to them. Most won't have any problem doing so.

And that's all there is to it. If the show has a big following, you could substantially build your list from this procedure.

Try it sometime. You might be surprised by the results.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Your First Giveaway Event   

Article Writing Secrets - Revealed: Learn How to Make a Successful Squeeze Page

If you use a squeeze page with your articles solely to increase the number of people on your list, then you it's important for you to know how to create this landing page to be successful.

A squeeze page is just a type of landing webpage with only one purpose - to voluntarily get the name and email address of your visitors so that they will join your list. The only way that your reader can get to your squeeze page is by clicking on a link that you provide. This link actually takes your reader directly to your squeeze page where you ask them to give you their name and email address.

In addition to that, you should offer your readers a free gift, usually a short eBook as an extra incentive. Now your readers are primed to go on.

So what are the elements of successful squeeze page?

1) The first thing is a great title to catch their eye. Don't think that, because your readers are now a captive audience that your title isn't important. You still have to convince them to give you their information. Be sure that your title relates to the body of the squeeze page. If you offer unrelated information then your readers will think that they were cheated and you won't get them to join your list.

2) After the title you should then place a subtitle (subheader) which should be more informative than your title and give your readers some idea of what is to come. Then you should have a series of bulleted paragraphs, each telling of a specific benefit (not a feature) of your product or niche. This is what really does the job because here you can explain exactly what the reader will receive in their free eBook and email campaign when they sign up for your list. Don't go overboard with bullets -- generally four or five should be enough to show your readers what you have to offer.

3) Finally, after giving your reader all of this powerful information, you will ask for their name and email address and place them on your list to receive additional phenomenal content about your topic in future email. Be sure to make it clear to your subscribers that they will be receiving a number of future emails. Many people think that after they get their free eBook that they will not hear from you again.

Your First Giveaway Event   

Your Mailing List: Building Trust

I'll bet you've heard that you need to build a list of your own in order to succeed countless times.

Well, it's true. In order to have long-term success, you really do need a mailing list.

But having a mailing list is only part of it.

It's what you do with mailing the list that really matters.

The real earning power is in the relationship you have with the people on your list.

You do this in:

The messages you send. The products you choose to promote, and when you promote them. The information you provide and how you respond.

No one talks about that. That changes today.

Here's a question: If I gave you a list of 50,000 real people and told you it was now your mailing list... what would you do?

How would you create sales from that list? What would you say first, second, third? How often would you email them and what would you promote?

To answer these questions, I give you my TRUST formula.

Without trust, your mailing list will not respond how you want them too. Ever.

In the real world, people must get to know you before they can like you; they must like you before they can trust you. Once you have earned that trust -- some very good things can happen.

Yes, it takes work. But believe me, it's worth it. Building a mailing list and gaining their trust is THE key to experiencing freedom.

Here's the formula:

T - Teach

R - Reward

U - Uncover needs

S - Sell solutions

T - Trigger actions


Many people worry about his word. They do not consider themselves to be expert enough to teach, because they have not yet experienced success.

Thing is, you don't have to be THE expert to teach; you just teach from a place of experience or investigation.

While you shouldn't wait to share until you know everything on a subject, don't write about things you know nothing about either.


A vital, often overlooked part, of developing trust with the people on your mailing list is rewarding their continued readership.

The person who joins and stays on your list, consistently opens and reads your messages is more than just a customer. They're a friend.

To reward them, you don't need to spend a lot of money. Use the Private Label Rights products you have on your hard drive, share (with permission) the strategies and ideas you receive in your personal email from the products you buy.

It's always best to give your list something of real value from which you can't profit. This is a sincere gesture that will be remembered when it comes time to buy.


I'm talking about really knowing what your audience needs.

How? By asking! Simple, but true!

To really be effective, you must have pure motives to do this -- it's not a marketing tactic.

Here are three ideas:

Read your blog comments and look for patterns. Ask your list what they need with no ulterior motive. Set up a "reply" email for your list so people can hit "reply" and ask a question.


This goes back to the features vs. benefits discussion.

Once you know what your list members need, it's time to find and offer the right solution.

Make a recommendation based on experience and research, not the latest and greatest trends.

Selling solutions is what it's about. Sell what the product will do for the buyer, not just what the product can do.


After the hard work of gaining trust, it's time to suggest products that might help your readers.

Based on my own experience, here are a few suggestions:

Only promote what you know works and you do yourself. Be very specific about why you are making a recommendation to take action. Tell your reader the specific action they should take. This could be subscribing to a new list or downloading a free trial.

The most profitable and rewarding thing I've done online is getting to know the people on my list, serving them and having them reward me when I make suggestions.

If you are one of them, and I suspect you are, thank you. I consider you not only a subscriber but a friend.

And friendship is perhaps the most beautiful thing indeed!

Your First Giveaway Event   

How to Become Self - Employed - 3 Critical Pieces to Creating Online Wealth - Fire Your Boss!

Hello and welcome to my article, I just want to talk with you for a minute about becoming self-employed and living the life you want on your own terms.

When done right it can catapult the results you're getting right now. This will be a one way conversation but my hope is that you leave with value.

No one actually likes getting up when they're still tired, going into a job that's not fulfilling, Right?

Some people love their jobs and thank God because we need people like this, their essential to our daily living but in general, people hate their jobs.

I remember when I had to get up to go into a private area of a horse race track to wake up the horses; I did this every morning 7 days a week for a long time. I like horses but sometimes I just didn't want to get up, I forced myself to get out of bed to go into a barn that was very dusty and fowl smelling - it smelt like stale pee, but I got use to it after a while.

I decided that the only way to find the freedom to do things I want to do when I want to do them, is to become self-employed somehow. After spinning my wheels in all sorts of business ideas like pre-paid legal - Tahitian noni and quick start, I decided to try my hand at making money online. I will share what's been working for me and how you can avoid the pitfalls and leap ahead.

Let's take a deeper look and solve this from the beginning before it gets out of control

3 Critical pieces to creating online wealth

List building: This is almost self-explanatory, many of you, if have been reading my blogs and articles know that I always bring this point up, because it's just essential to making money online for the long haul. Make sure you sign up with some auto responder service and collect emails of your target market. You need a way to get in touch with them whenever you want.

Sales funnel: When they get on your list you need to setup messages that go into their inboxes automatically over a period of months. Make each message go out once per day.

Best offer: Not every offer converts the same, make sure that whatever your sending people to will convert at a good percentage. It should convert at the very minimum 1 in 100. So in every 100 people there should be at least 1 sale.

Hope you found value in this, talk again sometime soon...

Your First Giveaway Event   

List Building - How To Create A Top Ten Article

One of the easiest ways to get your posts or articles read, attract visitors to your site and build your email list is by using a "top ten" article. People love these as it's a really good "pick and mix" solution. As the name implies it's just a list of your top ten products, books, software - the variations are endless.

There are endless sources of information for material for your subscribers such as forums, Amazon, ClickBank etc where you can easily discover what others are looking for. Your task then is to pull this information into easily digestible chunks where your readers can pick out the sections they like best.

Idea 1: Top Ten Software Reviews. First make sure that you have used the software as a dishonest or inaccurate review will damage your standing and have a negative effect on both your list building efforts and your online business. Do a brief resume linked to an in depth review where you may want to try and make an affiliate sale (if you want to make money). Try and mix up both free and paid for software to satisfy subscribers who are short on time and others who are short on cash.

Idea 2: Top Ten Blogs. Depending on the theme of your site you can show your followers the top ten blogs related to their field such as the top ten relationship or internet marketing blogs. They can then leave comments and get links back to their sites or pick up tips to help improve their own sites or at times contact the site owner and offer to do a guest post.

Idea 3: Top Ten Themes: List your favourite themes and tell your readers why you think they are the best. This type of list provides loads of scope for you to mix up paid themes with free themes (check out WordPress and you'll see what I mean). Provide affiliate links to the paid themes - tell your readers that you will get a commission. This provides value for everyone.

Top ten articles are great for providing compact snippets of information which you can write about in depth on your site. This is a guaranteed way to get people to sign up for your email list, improve your traffic and improve the results from your list building efforts. So, now's the time open up a fresh page, get writing and increase your opt ins.

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Surefire Ways to Boost Your List Using Article Marketing

If you're an affiliate marketer, chances are that you want to boost your list and make more money. Or even if you're not yet building your list, I believe you want to start making more money and also generate traffic.

List building is the most fun and exciting thing I love doing each and every day. Why? Because it's a psychological process that helps you know the mind of men.

It's very easy to build a list of 2,000 subscribers within two months, all you need is strategic planning and a focused direction. In this article, I'll be sharing with you some of my evergreen secrets of building my list and practical steps to implement to build yours also.

Well, I do use PPC once in a while and I'm also involved in JV's/ ad swaps, but I do something you guys do everyday but most times, you think it's a waste of time. It's article marketing.

If you think article marketing doesn't work, it may be that you're not making use of it the right way.

The only way you can make people sign up on your list through article marketing is by making them go ''wow''. ''Gosh'', I'm splitting the secret ( I'm not supposed to, at least, not for now).

OK, without wasting time, here are 5 solid tips you can use to boost or explode your prospect list.

Tip 1#: Make them swallow the spit in their throat-- grab their attention.

Recently, I was reading an article in a local newspaper on how readers perceive headlines and the reason why they spend at most 9 seconds on a blog. The web is changing and new things are evolving, the only way to catch up with the system of this world is to learn new skills.

You've got to learn and master the craft of writing great headlines.

... Glen Hooke

That is the only way to grab your target's attention.

The best way to attract readers' attention is by cross-checking the works of old authors and how they wrote compelling headlines in their days. The secret is to adopt their style, and add your creative skill to make the headline look good.

Here's what to implement:Spend at most, 10 to 15 minutes to tweak your headline. The body is the information about the article, but the headline is the head and the main reason that will determine whether they're going to read your article or not.

Use descriptive, thought provoking and benefit driven titles. Make your headline make them want to know more about what you're writing about.

You may or may not know the power and the importance of great headlines in your content, but with time when you master the art, you'll know that it is very important in your list building campaign.

Tip 2#: Don't leave them hungry, write more quality content like never before

Another wonderful tip in boosting your list or generating leads is by not limiting the amount of epic content you post on your blog. By writing quality articles every time, you will be attracting the search engine spidersto regularly your blog. The reason why a lot of people stop posting after writing 15 to 20 articles on their blog or website is because of lack of ideas.

Here's what to implement: The best thing to do so you'll never fall short of ideas is to write about topics that interest you. Write about things you love and with time, you'll find out that there'll be no time you'll be short of ideas. Another thing to do to make this more effective is by pushing your content across social networking sites, article directories and forums.

No one will read your content if you don't promote it.

The only way to get people to promote your content is by pushing them across these platforms.

Tip 3#: Work on gaining their trust

The only way to make someone fall in love with you is to show that you care. The same goes for your readers. They need to know that they're cared for and it's a must you express it if you really want to boost your list. Another way to make them to trust you is by assuring them that you won't give out their contact emails.

Here's what to implement: To have your readers sign up to your mailing list and buy anything you offer them, you have to show value. You need to show them that you know what you're talking about ( which makes you an expert).

The only way to make your readers see you as someone professional is to provide them rare information. Information that they've never heard or read before.

Tip 4#: Make them see you as a real professional-- provide quality (free) eBook or video

The secret to my success and why I've been able to boost my list in a space of two months is because I've shown my readers a taste of my expertise by providing them quality information in the form of an ebook. From time to time, Provide free eBooks and e-course of their interest. Trust me, if you do this, they won't think twice to buy anything you offer them.

Here's what to implement: Don't buy cheap or fake PLR products that're not informative. It's better not to even give them anything than provide them with PLR products. I'm not saying all PLR products are bad, No. Just that, ensure you're very careful when getting one.

Tip 5#: Educate them by spending time to write quality tutorials

Based on experience, a good way of making people sign up to your list faster is to provide short and informative tutorials.

Make it short but descriptive. These tutorials should include in it, what they need to succeed.

Another benefit of writing short tutorials is that it tends to generate more traffic from the search engines. The reason is because it usually contains short images and mostly graphics.

The more you apply these tips, the larger and more profitable your business will become.

Don't procrastinate.

The only way to effectively use article marketing to generate leads and build your list is to start today...

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